“Even the word ‘sex’ can provoke an uncomfortable reaction,” as famously noted by beloved TV show character Dr. Sheldon Cooper in the Big Bang Theory spin-off, Young Sheldon. This reaction is common among both young people and adults. However, society has made...
October 2024 marks the 25th anniversary of Health Literacy Month, an observance established by Helen Osborne in 1999. Celebrated globally each October, this month aims to raise awareness about the importance of health literacy. What is Health Literacy? Healthy...
Did you know that romantic attraction, like sexual orientation, exists on a spectrum and is fluid? Aromantic Awareness Week: The first aromantic awareness week was held in November 2015 to educate and spread awareness about the issues people with aromantic identities...
Easy to do but hard to do safely. Cybersex Cybersex involves the use of digital and virtual technologies for sexual activities. This can involve a wide variety of behaviors ranging from viewing internet pornography to using sex robots and even webcam sex over...
Previously known as Suffrage Day, Women’s Suffrage Ratification Day, or Women’s Emancipation Day, August 26th marks the day when (white) women gained the right to vote with the passing of the 19th Amendment in 1920. Celebrating Women’s Suffrage: The 19th Amendment was...
Learning about sexually transmitted infections (STIs) can be scary and confusing – but it doesn’t have to be! All STIs are not the Same: But they do have some things in common. First, they are all transmitted sexually through vaginal, oral, and anal sex and are found...