Learning about sexually transmitted infections (STIs) can be scary and confusing – but it doesn’t have to be! All STIs are not the Same: But they do have some things in common. First, they are all transmitted sexually through vaginal, oral, and anal sex and are found...
Raise your HIV IQ!

Raise your HIV IQ!

You may have heard of HIV and AIDS, but many people don’t understand the difference between them. The more you know about these sexually transmitted infections or STIs, the better you can protect yourself and others – so read on! HIV and AIDS: What You Need to...
Cervix Certified

Cervix Certified

Not everyone has one, but it can remain quite a mystery for those who do.   Get to Know Your Cervical Health: The cervix is a doughnut-shaped internal organ located between the vagina and the uterus. It naturally has a small hole in the center, only large enough...
Hepatitis Can’t Wait – World Hepatitis Day

Hepatitis Can’t Wait – World Hepatitis Day

Every 30 seconds, someone dies from a hepatitis-related disease. Hepatitis can be prevented. There does not need to be a stigma or discrimination against those affected by hepatitis. Our communities can’t wait. Hep can’t wait. What is Hepatitis? Hepatitis is the...