National Men’s Health Month:

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National Men’s Health Month is celebrated every June to encourage adolescent and adult men to live healthier lifestyles.

Expanding Awareness about Men’s Health:

Throughout the month, the importance of implementing healthier choices to improve overall well-being is emphasized, and men are urged to take control of their health by receiving proper medical screenings and care.

Below are some important steps men can take to start living healthier lifestyles.

Preventative Health

Preventative healthcare involves routine medical check-ups, including annual visits, screenings for various health conditions and vaccinations.

Preventative health care is an important part of staying healthy and is key in helping to detect any conditions or issues early.

Men can help maintain their health by getting regular medical check-ups, participating in health screenings (including those for chronic conditions and mental health) and ensuring vaccinations remain up to date!

Physical Health

Physical health refers to the normal functioning of the body and is influenced by multiple factors, including sleep, nutrition, and physical activity.

While it is just one aspect of overall wellness, it significantly impacts one’s mental health.

To improve their physical health, men can quit smoking, move their bodies for at least 30 minutes a day and incorporate healthier eating by increasing their intake of fruits and vegetables.

Mental Health

Mental health is influenced by emotional, psychological and social factors, and it impacts how we think, feel and act.

Although there is a stigma surrounding mental health as a whole, it is particularly intense for men because it’s viewed as a “weakness.” Recent research has found that mental health conditions are expressed differently based on gender, where males are more likely to externalize mental health conditions through risky behaviors and violence.

One of the biggest things men can do to improve their mental health is to reach out for help if they are struggling. Many times, the shame and stigma of having a mental health condition can prevent us from talking about it and getting help.

Other things that help to maintain mental wellness include:

  • Taking time to decompress and relax.
  • Building social connections.
  • Having hobbies.
  • Taking care of your physical health.

Take control of your overall health by finding a healthcare provider near you!